Kristaps, Estland


Sergio, Italy

Monique is een heel goede leraar. Ik heb de cursus gevolgd met een collega, hij heeft een hoger niveau Nederlands dan het mijne. Monique heeft de situatie goed beheerd en ons veel nieuwe dingen geleerd. Werkcollega’s zijn erg blij met onze verbetering.


Monique would always complement the text book and provide extra exercises. The class activities were well organized. She would pick up on our challenges during the class and provide supporting material the next lesson. It was a great experience.

J. Abdija

Monique would pick up on our challenges during the class and provide supporting material the next lesson.

S., Turkije

I would like to say that I am feeling lucky to have a trainer like Monique. Her communication is very good. I am feeling relaxed when I am sharing the topics that I do not understand or when I need extra help on these topics. Her attitude increases my motivation for Dutch learning. Besides extra learning paths that she suggested are really useful such as websites, channels etc.

Elias, Brasil

Monique is an excellent teacher. Very professional, attentive, and ready to help anytime.
Se makes the class really comfortable for to us make mistakes and learn.